Monday, May 13, 2013

People Creating Magic: Alexandra Soury

There is a girl that gives life to people from the fairyland! She is such a sweet person, you could think she is a fairy herself! She is very creative, with admirable imagination! She combines elegance, purity and darkness in the most wonderful way! I'm very happy to announce a new series of posts, called "People Creating Magic" and I'm thrilled that the curtains open with such an amazing artist!
Everyone, meet Alexandra from France! The wizard of "Cute Amalia".

  People Creating Magic, the game of fives
 • Alexandra Soury •




1. What kind of magic do you make?

I create Art Dolls 

Anna and Moira

2. Where does your inspiration come from?

I find my inspiration in all details around me: Nature, illustrations, photographs, (Pinterest is a great site to find the details that will trigger inspiration) some movies especially those of Tim Burton, I really appreciate the illustrations from antique books for children (specifically Alice in Wonderland) , the storybooks and legends.
I can't give a clear explanation, the ideas come suddenly and I draw quickly on a sketch book not to forget.

3. What are your favorite materials and tools?

I use air dry clay, cold porcelain (to do accessories ) ,needle felt, laces and acrylic paintings .

4. What did you want to be, when you were a child?

Egyptologist ,antique dealer and  museum  curator

5. What was the first thing you ever made?

When I was a child ,when I got to eat at my grandmother for lunch, I was playing with plasticine and I created a lot of small animals, no bigger than a fingertip, I loved making swans and lizards! I also drew all the time!


    1. What would you be, if you were a color?  
    blue arctic

    2. What would you be, if you were a sound? 

    the song of a bird (sometimes pleasant and sometimes very painful!)

    3. What would you be, if you were an animal?  

    a horse

    4. What would you be, if you were an object? 

    an antique book

    5. Who would you be, if you weren’t yourself? 

    oh I wouldn’t be an other person ! 

    1. A moment of the creating process:

    from drawing to life...

    2. One word that defines you as an artist.


    3. One word that defines you as a person.


    4. Something you love and something you hate. 

    I love dreaming , I hate human  stupidity

    5. Five facts people do not know about you. 

    I’m a compulsive collector
    I’m spiteful
    I have mice as pets
    I have an ugly head when I wake-up !



    Romantic Alice

    Friday, May 10, 2013

    New summer designs 2013!

    The love for geometry and summer inspiration are combined in a brand new pendant series!
    Here's a small sample from the new summer designs to come!

    Find them and much more jewelry designs @ :

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