Saturday, February 09, 2013

Four heart-shaped DiY projects!

Hey all! It's been a while...but i came with my arms full of goody tutorials!
Well I'm not really a "valentine's day" person! I'm not fond of heart shaped candyteddybearflowerchocolatejewelrylittleitsybitsythingies! But as a crafter, it was a big challenge to work on my new projects, with a special heart-shaped theme. I actually realized that a heart,can be a really interesting shape with lots of design variations...

Bellow you can find four of my new (beginner to advanced) DiY projects with red hearts.
Follow the links under each photo to read the step-by-step guides.

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Yes you got it right!!! BlackRedDots is the new author for CraftTuts+.
You can find all my tutorials HERE.

I hope that you like them and I'd love to see what you've made out of them! So if you like to share your creations, any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment at the "comment section" under each tutorial.
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